The Chatterbait

04 Oct

The chatterbait is simply a jig with a blade attached to the jig eye that makes the sound of a“chatter” as it wobbles vigorously back and forth as water is displaced. The blade strikes against the head of the jig and this is the simple reason for the unique sound and action. Sometimes paired up with a soft plastic trailer, and other times without, this hybrid between and jig, buzzbait and a spinner bait provides enough sound, vibration and flash to gain the attention of bass in the murkiest of water. This makes the chatterbait a good choice for fall bass fishing as the bass return to the shallow water. The chatterbait is not entirely snag proof but will avoid hanging up better than some lures do. It is best fished where there is no heavy cover of grass or wood.

In the fall when seasonal rains cloud the water nothing can get the attention of a bass like the erratic movement and the unique sound of these unique lures. Using a steady retrieve on the beginning and then burning the lure to cause it to change direction. This will result in reaction strikes from the transitioning bass of fall. When fishing in deeper water, fish it like a jig allowing it to fall down along structure, quickly raise your rod tip when it reaches the bottom then let it fall once again to the bottom and repeat this presentation. Vary the cadence and the speed of this presentation until the bass show you where they are and what they want in a chatterbait offering.

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Posted by on October 4, 2012 in Bait, Bass


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